In order to give you better service we use cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

Passwords and security



While you are logged in and shopping you will be assigned a unique but temporary session ID, which is deleted as soon as you log out. (Users are logged out automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.)


Under the Swedish Electronic Communications Act, we must inform you that we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and contain information. Cookies are used for purely technical reasons in order to improve the website's functionality. There are two types of cookies: one is saved permanently on your computer, while the other is saved temporarily while you are visiting the website.


We use temporary cookie files which are saved for as long as you remain logged in. An exception is if you choose to use the automatic log-in option. Then your username and password will be saved in a cookie file between log-ins.


If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can turn off this function in your web browser's settings. This does mean however that you will not have access to all functions on our website.


Pop-up windows

Pop-up windows may sometimes be used on our e-commerce site, e.g. for the functions Save basket and Retrieve basket. There are two ways you can deal with these:


·        Temporarily allow pop-up windows

·        Always allow pop-up windows from this site.


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